General Sir Charles John Gough VC, GCB - Corps of Guides Cavalry & Hodson's Horse

Below is a list of Investitures, Garden Parties, Reunion Dinners & Anniversaries held for recipients of the Victoria Cross.

Participants at the first investiture of the Victoria Cross held in Hyde Park, London, on Friday, 26th June 1857
Participants invested with the Victoria Cross who were serving overseas and were therefore unable to attend the first investiture in Hyde Park
Crimean War veterans who were selected to receive the Victoria Cross whose announcement of the award was made in later editions of the London Gazette

Holders of the Victoria Cross who were invited to take part in the Queen Victoria Jubilee Procession through London on 22 June 1897.
Recipients of the Victoria Cross who were invited by King George V to attend an Afternoon Garden Party held on the lawn of Buckingham Palace on 26th June 1920
A list of the servicemen who were chosen to act as the "Guard" at the internment of the Unknown Soldier in Westminster Abbey on 11th November 1920
VC recipients who attended the Victoria Cross Reunion Dinner held in the Royal Gallery, House of Lords, on 9th November 1929
The seating plan for the VC Reunion Dinner held in the Royal Gallery, House of Lords, on 9th November 1929
VC holders who attended the end of World War II Victory Day Celebration Reception held at the Dorchester Hotel on 8th June 1946
VC holders who were invited to attend the Centenary Review of the Victoria Cross held in Hyde Park on 26th June 1956
A list of Victoria Crosses that were loaned to the Cententary Exhibition held in Marlborough House from 15th June to 7th July 1956
A description of the instigation of the Victoria Cross & George Cross Association and a list of the bi-annual Reunions held from 1958 to the present
VC holders who were invited to attend an Afternoon Garden Party hosted by Queen Elizabeth II held in the grounds of Buckingham Palace on 17th July 1962
Victoria Cross & George Cross holders who attended the dedication of the VC & GC Memorial in Westminster Abbey on 14th May 2003
Holders of the Victoria Cross & George Cross who attended the service of commemoration to mark the 150th Anniversary of the Victoria Cross held in Westminster Abbey on 26th June 2006
Holders of the Victoria Cross & George Cross who were invited to take part in the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II on 19th September 2022

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22 September 2022