The Prince of Wales at the Victoria Cross Reunion Dinner,
Royal Gallery, House of Lords, Palace of Westminster,
Saturday, 9th November 1929

Below is a complete alphabetical list of the recipients of the Victoria Cross who accepted the Prince of Wales' invitation to attend the VC reunion dinner held in The Royal Gallery, House of Lords, Palace of Westminster, London.

Following a ballot held to determine place-settings, Sergeant William Burman VC, The Rifle Brigade, won the honour of sitting on the right hand side of the Prince of Wales. Viscount Gort, VC, DSO, MC, was on the Prince's left.

A - C D - G H - K L - P Q - S T - Z

The seating plan for the 1929 VC Reunion Dinner

A copy of a letter written by Major Graham Lyall VC on his recollections of the reunion dinner addressed to the Commanding Officer of his old regiment, the 19th 'Lincoln' Regiment of St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Graham Lyall won his VC during WWI, volunteered when WWII broke out, and died of heart failure whilst on active service in North Africa in 1941.

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Iain Stewart, 29 August 2001