Subadar Khadadad Khan VC - 129th Duke of Connaught's Own Baluchis

The Lord Ashcroft Victoria Cross Collection ( 235 VCs )

are on display in the:

Lord Ashcroft Gallery
Imperial War Museum

Page 1: Lord Ashcroft VC Collection
Crimean War ( 1854 - 1856 )

Page 2: Lord Ashcroft VC Collection
Indian Mutiny ( 1857 - 1859 )

Page 3: Lord Ashcroft VC Collection
Small Wars, Conflicts between ( 1858 - 1904 )

Page 4: Lord Ashcroft VC Collection
2nd Boer War ( 1899 - 1902 )

Page 5: Lord Ashcroft VC Collection
First World War ( 1914 - 1918 ) - Royal Navy & Royal Air Force

Page 6: Lord Ashcroft VC Collection
First World War ( 1914 - 1918 ) - Army

Page 7: Lord Ashcroft VC Collection
Conflicts ( 1919 - 1938 ) Second World War ( 1939 - 1945 )

Falklands ( 1982 ) Afghanistan ( 2006 )

Go to VC Home Page

26 April 2020