Major General Sir Henry Tombs VC, KCB - Bengal Horse Artillery

Unknown location of Indian Mutiny Victoria Crosses ( 54 )
182 Victoria Crosss were awarded for the Indian Mutiny 1857 - 1859

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HEIC & Indian Army VCs awarded for the Indian Mutiny ( 1857 - 1859 )
Rank First Name Last Name Regiment
Colonel Frederick Robertson AIKMAN No history
Lieutenant Charles BAKER VC believed to be held by the family
Private Valentine BAMBRICK VC forfeited on 3 December 1863
Colonel Thomas CADELL No history
Mr George CHICKEN Official Duplicate VC sold by Morton and Eden on 20 July 2022
Colonel Hugh COCHRANE No history
Gunner William CONNOLLY VC unsold Sotheby's 13 November 1894
Private Walter COOK No history
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph CROWE VC destroyed in a fire in South Africa
Private Dennis DEMPSEY VC sold by Glendining's March 1901
Private John DIVANE No history
Drummer Thomas FLYNN No history
Lieutenant General Charles FRASER No history
General Hugh GOUGH No history
Private Peter GRANT No history
Colour Sergeant Patrick GREEN VC sold by Sotheby's on 13 May 1926
Corporal Thomas HANCOCK VC believed to be held by the family
Captain Hastings HARINGTON VC sold by Spink on 18 April 2024
Lieutenant Henry HARTIGAN No history
Lieutenant General Henry HAVELOCK-ALLAN VC believed lost during recipient's lifetime
Farrier George HOLLIS No history
Lieutenant Duncan HOME PM & IMM sold by Baldwin on 28 September 2016
Colonel Hanson JARRETT VC sold by Sotheby's on 6 June 1919
Lieutenant Colonel Alfred JONES No history
Mr Thomas KAVANAGH VC sold by Noonan's on 14 September 2022
Lieutenant General Richard KEATINGE VC believed to be held by the family
Private James KENNY No history
Private David MACKAY VC sold by Debenhams, Tueson & Hicks in 1901
Colonel Francis MAUDE VC listed by Spink on 1 April 1935
Midshipman Arthur MAYO No history
Gunner Hugh MCINNES No history
Private Bernard MCQUIRT No history
Lieutenant James MILLER No history
Sergeant Patrick MYLOTT No history
Sergeant William NASH No history
Gunner James PARK VC sold by Dix Noonan Webb on 27 September 2017
Sergeant James PEARSON No history
Ensign Everard PHILLIPPS VC believed to be held by the family
General Sir Harry PRENDERGAST Royal Engineers Museum believes VC not the original
General Dighton PROBYN VC sold by Dix Noonan Webb on 23 September 2005
Private John PURCELL No history
Sergeant George RICHARDSON VC sold privately on 16 January 1975
Colonel Patrick RODDY VC believed to be held by the family
Lieutenant Matthew ROSAMUND VC sold by Glendining's on 25 November 1903
Drummer Miles RYAN No history
Lieutenant Phillip SALKELD No history
Captain Robert SHEBBEARE VC believed mislaid by the RMA, Sandhurst
Private John Thomas SMITH VC sold by Morton and Eden on 27 June 2016
Captain William STEWART VC believed lost by the recipient
Colonel Edward THACKERY Unsold Bonham's auction 25 September 2007 ( VC not original )
Major General Henry TOMBS VC sold by Dix Noonan Webb on 6 December 2017
General James TRAVERS VC sold by Debenham on 14 February 1972
Private Samuel TURNER No history
Sergeant Joseph WARD VC sold by Sotheby's on 6 March 1888
Colonel Henry WILMOT VC believed to be held by the family

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14 September 2022