Major General Arthur Moore VC CB - 3rd Bombay Light Cavalry, Indian Army

Unknown location of 19th Century Victoria Crosses ( 29 )
139 Victoria Crosss were awarded during the 19th Century 1856 - 1898

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Rank First Name Last Name Regiment
Sergeant Major Patrick MULLANE No history
Major General William VOUSDEN No history
Colonel John CRIMMIN No history
Hospital Apprentice Andrew FITZGIBBON VC believed buried with the recipient
Quartermaster George HINCKLEY Replacement VC sold at auction on 19 July 1992
Private John MCDOUGALL VC stolen from a house in Alloa, Scotland in 1960
Major General Sir Robert Bellew ADAMS No history
Brigadier Guy BOISRAGON VC believed to be held by the family
Colonel James COLVIN VC believed to be held by the family
Major Alexander Murray, Viscount FINCASTLE VC believed to be held by the family
Colonel Richard RIDGEWAY IGSM & IM unsold by Baldwin on 28 September 2016
Major Andrew SCOTT No history
Little Andaman Island
Private Thomas MURPHY No history
Ordinary Seaman William SEELEY VC last seen in 1943 in the United States
New Zealand
Ensign John DOWN No history
General William MANLEY No history
Lieutenant Colonel William TEMPLE VC believed to be held by the family
Major General Arthur MOORE VC sold by Dix Noonan Webb on 17 September 2004
Private Thomas BYRNE Replacement VC sold at auction in 1978
Captain Henry DE MONTMORENCY No history
Major General Nevill SMYTH VC believed to be held by the family
South Africa
Lieutenant Colonel William BERESFORD VC believed to be held by the family
Commandant Henry D'ARCY VC withdrawn from Sotheby sale 17 September 1992
Private Thomas FLAWN VC sold by Sotheby's on 26 November 1999
Private James OSBORNE VC destroyed in WWII air raid on Belfast
Captain Edmund O'TOOLE No history
Lieutenant Colonel Robert George SCOTT No history
West Africa
Major Edric GIFFORD VC listed by Haywood in January 1967
Lance Corporal Samuel HODGE No history

Header 2nd Boer War

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23 June 2021