Major General Thomas de Courcy Hamilton VC - 68th Regiment ( Durham Light Infantry )

Unknown location of Crimean War Victoria Crosses ( 15 )
111 Victoria Crosss were awarded for the Crimean War 1854 - 1856

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VCs awarded for the Crimean War ( 1854 - 1856 )
Rank First Name Last Name Regiment
Royal Navy
Captain Hugh BURGOYNE VC believed to be held by the family
Chief Boatswain Joseph KELLAWAY VC withdrawn from a Spink auction on 8 December 2020
Rear Admiral Charles LUCAS VC believed lost by recipient. Poor 'copy' held by the NMM.
Gunner John ROBARTS VC sold by Wallis & Wallis on 16 June 1988
Chief Boatswain John SULLIVAN No history

Major John BERRYMAN VC listed by Haywood June 1972
Corporal John CONNORS Replica VC held by the National Army Museum
Qtr Master Sergeant John FARRELL No history
Major General Thomas de Courcy HAMILTON VC believed to be held by the family
Brigadier General Robert LINDSAY VC believed to be held by the family
General Frederick MAUDE No history
Private Charles MCCORRIE Recipient died in April 1857 before invested with VC
Private John MCDERMOND No history
Corporal Robert SHIELDS VC last seen at Wellingborough Urban District Council in 1923
Private John SIMS No history

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6 December 2023