Firstly:It is ordained that the distinction shall be styled and designated the "Victoria Cross" and shall consist of a Maltese Cross of Bronze with Our Royal Crest in the centre and underneath which an Escroll bearing this inscription "For Valour"
It is ordained that the "Cross" shall be suspended from the left breast by a Blue Riband for the Navy and by a Red Riband for the Army.
The second paragraph does not state what shade of Blue or Red the Riband should be. Therefore, it is not known who chose the shades of colour. Nor does the paragrah state the composition of the Riband itself.
The Glasgow Museums Resource Centre holds the Victoria Cross awarded to Colour Sergeant Henry MacDonald, Royal Engineers, a Crimean War veteran. The VC has been examined by the Conservator for the Museums Costume and Textile Collection whose conclusion is that the Riband is made of a very coarse weave silk which explains the ribbed look.
The recipient's service number, rank, name, regiment, ship or squadron, is engraved on the reverse of the lower riband suspension bar, and the date of the VC action engraved on the reverse of the Cross. For example:
Troop. Sert. Majr. J. Champion |
Comdr. C. C. Dobson. |
Lt. William Basil Weston ( 311376 ) |
8th. Hussars |
Royal Navy |
Green Howards ( attd. W. Yorks. R. ) |
28. |
18. |
3rd. |
Septr. |
Aug. |
March. |
1858. |
1919 |
1945. |