The Reverend William Addison VC - Chaplain to the Forces ( 2nd Class )

Unknown location of First World War British Victoria Crosses ( 65 )
628 Victoria Crosss were awarded for the First World War 1914 - 1918
( including two second award Bars, Arthur Martin-Leake and Noel Chavasse )

Select 'Last Name' to view full medal entitlement
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Great Britain
Rank First Name Last Name Regiment
Royal Navy
Captain Charles BONNER VC believed to be held by the family
Vice Admiral Gordon CAMPBELL VC believed to be held by the family
Lieutenant Commander Edgar COOKSON VC sold by Noonan's on 13 March 2024
Lieutenant Commander Charles COWLEY No history
Admiral Martin NASMITH VC believed to be held by the family
Master Frederick PARSLOW VC sold by Sotheby's on 5 February 1975
Captain Henry RITCHIE VC sold by Noonan's on 23 July 2024
Rear Admiral Eric ROBINSON VC believed to be held by the family
Sub Lieutenant Arthur TISDALL VC sold privately in 2004

Army - Belgium
Sergeant Charles COVERDALE VC believed to be held by the family
Private Sidney GODLEY VC sold by Spink on 19 July 2012
Second Lieutenant Denis HEWITT VC believed to be held by the family
Corporal Arthur HUTT VC believed to be held by the family
Co Sergeant Major James OCKENDON VC believed to be held by the family
Lieutenant John O'NEILL VC stolen from Seaby & Co on 13 February 1962
Brigadier George ROUPELL No history
Private Thomas SAGE VC believed to be held by the family
Sergeant Issy SMITH VC held by a private collector
Army - Egypt
Second Lieutenant John Manson CRAIG No history
Army - France
Lance Corporal Arthur CROSS VC sold by Spink on 19 April 2012
Colonel Donald DEAN No history
Sergeant Robert DOWNIE No history
Second Lieutenant James EMERSON No history
Sergeant Arthur EVANS VC sold by Spink on 27 November 2019
Lieutenant General Bernard FREYBERG VC believed to be held by the family
Sergeant William FULLER VC believed to be held by the family
Field Marshal John GORT VC believed to be held by the family
Major William GOSLING VC believed to be held by the family
Captain Julian GRIBBLE VC destroyed in a house fire in 1958
Private Samuel HARVEY VC believed lost by the recipient
Corporal James HEWITSON VC believed held by a private collector
Lieutenant John HOLLAND VC believe to held by a private collector
Captain Frederick HOLMES VC sold by Morton & Eden on 3 October 2003
Major James HUFFAM No history
Corporal James HUTCHINSON No history
Sergeant Harold JACKSON VC sold by Sotheby's on 11 May 1989
Major Frederick JOHNSON VC unsold by Glendining's on 1 March 1989
Lance Sergeant Thomas KENNY VC believed to be held by the family
Major Cecil KNOX VC believed to be held by the family
Lance Corporal Allan LEWIS VC believed to be held by the family
Rifleman William MARINER VC sold by Spink on 23 November 2006
Captain Thomas MAUFE VC believed to be held by the family
Major Samuel MEEKOSHA VC sold by Sotheby's on 3 May 2001
Private Walter MILLS Believed VC buried with Mills' daughter
Lance Sergeant Thomas NEELY VC sold by Spink on 25 November 2010
Corporal Cecil NOBLE No history
Sergeant John RIPLEY VC believed lost in the United States
Lance Corporal John SAYER VC believed to be held by the family
Captain Charles SPACKMAN VC sold by Glendining's on 17 December 1969
Captain Walter STONE VC believed to be held by the family
Sergeant John THOMAS No history
Sergeant James TURNBULL No history
Private Horace WALLER VC sold by Christie's on 25 February 1980
Sergeant Albert WHITE No history
Lance Sergeant George WYATT VC believed to be held by the family
Army - Italy
Private Wilfred WOOD VC believed to be held by the family
Army - Mesopotamia ( Iraq )
Reverend William ADDISON VC believed to be held by the family
Lance Corporal Jack WHITE No history
Army - Palestine
Second Lieutenant Stanley BOUGHEY VC sold by Spink on 10 December 1986
Lance Corporal John CHRISTIE No history
Army - Gallipoli, Turkey
Major Cuthbert BROMLEY VC believed to be held by the family
Sergeant James SOMERS No history
Captain Garth WALFORD No history

Header WWII ( Commonwealth )

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23 July 2024