1 March 2017

( select to enlarge )
Medal entitlement of Captain George Sanders,
1 / 7th Bn, West Yorkshire Regiment

  • Victoria Cross
  • Military Cross ( MC )
  • 1914-15 Star
  • British War Medal ( 1914-20 )
  • Victory Medal ( 1914-19 )
  • King George VI Coronation Medal ( 1937 )

The Victoria Cross awarded to Captain George Sanders, 1 / 7th Bn, West Yorkshire Regiment, has been sold at auction by Dix Noonan Webb in London. The estimated sale price was between £180,000 and £220,000. The sale hammer price realised £240,000.

The George Sanders VC group was purchased by the Michael Ashcroft Trust the holding institution for the Lord Ashcroft VC Collection. The group will go on display in the Imperial War Museum's Lord Ashcroft Gallery.

For the award of the Victoria Cross

[ London Gazette, 9 September 1916 ], Near Thiepval, Battle of the Somme, France, 1 July 1916, Corporal George Sanders, 1 / 7th Bn, West Yorkshire Regiment

For most conspicuous bravery ( near Thiepval, France ). After an advance into the enemy’s trenches, he found himself isolated with a party of thirty men. He organised his defences, detailed a bombing party, and impressed on his men that his and their duty was to hold the position at all costs.

Next morning he drove off an attack by the enemy and rescued some prisoners who had fallen into their hands. Later two strong bombing attacks were beaten off.

On the following day he was relieved after showing the greatest courage, determination and good leadership during 36 hours under very trying conditions. All this time his party was without food and water, having given all their water to the wounded during the first night. After the relieving force was firmly established, he brought his party, nineteen strong, back to our trenches.

George Sanders was invested with his Victoria Cross by King George V at Buckingham Palace on the 18th November 1916.

For the award of the Military Cross

[ London Gazette, 18 September 1918 ], Battle of Kemmel Hill, France, 25 April 1918, Captain George Sanders, 2nd ( att'd 6th ) Bn, West Yorkshire Regiment

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. After the enemy had penetrated the front line, he promptly organised his men in support and effrectually held up the enemy for some time, inflicting heavy casualties.H e stood on top of a pill-box firing his revolver into the enemy of 20 yards.

His splendid example of courage did much to inspire his men at a critical time.

Following George Sanders' Military Cross action he was taken prisoner and sent to the Limburg Prisoner of War Camp but was repatriated back to England on the 26th December 1918.


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Iain Stewart, 1 March 2017