14 July 2020

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Medal entitlement of Captain Frederick Peters,
Royal Navy

  • Victoria Cross
  • Distinguished Service Order ( DSO )
  • Distinguished Service Cross ( DSC ) & Bar
  • 1914-15 Star
  • British War Medal ( 1914-20 )
  • Victory Medal ( 1914-19 ) + MiD
  • 1939-45 Star
  • Atlantic Star
  • Defence Medal ( 1939-45 )
  • War Medal ( 1939-45 )
  • Messina Earthquake Comemorative Medal ( 1908 )
  • Distinguished Service Cross ( DSC US Issue )
  • ( image courtesy Lord Ashcroft VC Collection )

The Lord Ashcroft VC Collection purchased the following Frederick Peters' decorations from a Spink sale on 23 September 1993
  • Victoria Cross
  • Distinguished Service Cross ( DSC ) & Bar
  • Distinguished Service Cross ( DSC US Issue )

The Lord Ashcroft VC Collection purchased the following Frederick Peters' decoration and campaign medal from a DNW sale on 27 June 2007

  • Distinguished Service Order ( DSO )
  • 1914-15 Star

The remaining Frederick Peters' campaign medals are still missing.

For the award of the Victoria Cross

[ London Gazette, 18 May 1943 ], Oran Harbour, North Africa, 8 November 1942, Captain Fredrick Thornton Peters, Royal Navy ( HMS 'Walney' ).

For valour in taking HMS 'Walney' in an enterprise of desperate hazard, into the harbour of Oran on the 8th November 1942. Captain Peters led his force through the boom towards the jetty in the face of point-blank fire from shore batteries, a Destroyer and a Cruiser. Blinded in one eye, he alone of the seventeen Officers and Men on the bridge survived. The 'Walney' reached the jetty disabled and ablaze, and went down with her colours flying.

On the 13th November 1942 the Sunderland seaplane in which Frederick Peters was in crashed landed off Plymouth Sound in thick fog and Peters was killed.

Created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order ( DSO )

[ London Gazette, 3 March 1915 ], Battle of the Dogger Bank, 24 January 1915, Lieutenant Frederick Thornton Peters, Royal Navy ( HMS 'Meteor' )

Lieutenant Peters went down into No. 1 boiler room almost immediately after the explosion caused by the bursting of an 8.2 inch projectile from the German cruiser 'Blucher', and whilst there was still danger of another explosion on account of escapting oil, and assisted in recovering two stoker ratings.

Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross ( DSC )

[ London Gazette, 8 March 1918 ], 1918, Lieutenant Frederick Thornton Peters, Royal Navy ( HMS 'Christopher' )

Lieutenant Peters showed exceptional initiative, ability and zeal in submarine hunting operations, and a complete disregard of danger, exceptional coolness and ingenuity in his attacks on submarines.

Awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Cross ( DSC )

[ London Gazette, 11 July 1940 ], Commander Frederick Thornton Peters, Royal Navy ( HMS 'Thirlmere' )

For good services in the Royal Navy since the outbreak of war.


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Iain Stewart, 14 July 2020