May 2011

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Medal entitlement of Brigadier General George Grogan
Worcestershire Regiment, Command 23rd Infantry Brigade

  • Victoria Cross
  • Companion, Order of the Bath ( CB )
  • Companion, Order of St Michael & St George ( CMG )
  • Distinguished Service Order ( DSO ) & Bar
  • East and West Africa Medal ( 1887-1900 )
    • 2 clasps:
    • "1898" - "Sierra Leone 1898-9"
  • 1914 Star + clasp "5th Aug-22nd Nov 1914"
  • British War Medal ( 1914-20 )
  • Victory Medal ( 1914-19 ) + MiD Oakleaf
  • Defence Medal ( 1939-45 )
  • King George V Silver Jubilee Medal ( 1935 )
  • King George VI Coronation Medal ( 1937 )
  • Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal ( 1953 )

The Victoria Cross, Orders, decorations and campaign medals awarded to Brigadier General George Grogan of the Worcestershire Regiment, commanding the 23rd Infantry Brigade, have been acquired on loan by the Imperial War Museum and are on display in the Lord Ashcroft VC Gallery.

Early morning on the 27th May 1918 T / Brigadier General George Grogan was given instructions by Major General Heneker ( 8th Division ) to take command of all the men in the Vesle area for a mile either side of the village of Jonchery and to organize the defence of the south bank of the River Aisne.

For the award of the Victoria Cross.

[ London Gazette, 25 July 1918 ], River Aisne, France, 27 May 1918, Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel ( T / Brigadier General ) George William St George Grogan, Worcestershire Regiment, commanding 23rd Infantry Brigade.

For most conspicuous bravery and leadership throughout three days of intense fighting ( River Aisne, France ).

Brigadier-General Grogan was, except for a few hours, in command of the remnants of the Infantry of a Division and various attached troops. His action during the whole of the battle can only be described as magnificent. The utter disregard for his personal safety, combined with the sound practical ability which he displayed, materially helped to stay the onward thrust of the enemy masses.

Throughout the third day of operations, a most critical day, he spent his time under artillery, trench mortar, rifle and machine-gun fire, riding up and down the front line encouraging his troops, reorganising those who had fallen into disorder, leading back into the line those who were beginning to retire, and setting such a wonderful example that he inspired with his enthusiasm not only his own men but also the Allied troops who were alongside.

As a result the line held and repeated enemy attacks were repulsed. He had one horse shot under him, but nevertheless continued on foot to encourage his men until another horse was brought. He displayed throughout the highest valour, powers of command, and leadership.

George Grogan was invested with his Victoria Cross by King George V at Ranchicourt ( HQ 1st Army ) France, on the 8th August 1918.

[ London Gazette, 11 May 1917 ], Created a Companion to the Distinguished Service Order ( DSO ), Major ( T / Lieutenant Colonel ) George William St George Grogan, Worcestershire Regiment.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of his battaliion. He visited the captured trenches during the action and gave instructions regarding dispositions and consolidation. He kept the brigade informed of the situation and his reports were of great valaue. The spirit of his battalion owes much to his personal courage and cheerfulness.

[ London Gazette, 26 July 1918 ], Awarded a Bar to the Distinguished Service Order ( DSO ), Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel ( T / Brigadier General ) George William St George Grogan, Worcestershire Regiment.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion during a long period of active operations. On one occasion, when in command of the left division, it was mainly due to his personal efforts that the line was maintained and extended when troops of the left were withdrawn. Whenever the position became critical he went forward himself to restore the situation, and his splendid example of courage and endurance greatly inspired all ranks.

Following the end of the First World War George Grogan was given command of the 1st Brigade of the North Russia Relief Force whose mission was to evacuate the fronts at Archangel and Murmansk. Holders of the Victoria Cross who were part of the NRRF included ( rank at the time )

  • Brigadier General George Grogan VC
  • Colonel Henry Douglas VC
  • Lieutenant Colonel John Sherwood-Kelly VC
  • T / Lieutenant Colonel Charles Hudson VC
  • Captain Archie White VC
  • A / Captain Alfred Toye VC
  • 2nd Lieutenant Montague Moore VC
  • T / 2nd Lieutenant William White VC

Lieutenant Colonel Grogan joined the 3rd Bn, Worcestershire Regiment in February 1920 to 1923 and was responsible for bringing the battalion home from India. In October 1923 he reached substantive rank of Colonel and went to Aldershot to command 5th Infantry Brigade. Grogan retired from the army as an honorary Brigadier-General in 1926.

George Grogan died at his home in Sunningdale, Berkshire, on the 3rd January 1962 and was cremated in Woking Crematorium.


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Iain Stewart, 16 May 2011