27 Novembere 2019 |
The Victoria Cross, Distinguished Conduct Medal, and campaign medals awarded to Sergeant Arthur Evans, 6th Bn, Lincolnshire Regiment, have been sold at auction by Spink of London for a hammer price of £190,000. The identity of the purchaser has not been revealed.
Arthur Evans changed his name, circa May 1914, to Walter Simpson, for reasons not explained. He later joined and fought with the King's ( Liverpool ) Regiment in France before transferring to the 6th Bn, Lincolnshire Regiment, with whom he earned his Victoria Cross. The initial London Gazette announcement of the award was made under the name Walter Simpson. But when it was discovered his real name was Arthur Evans the engraving on the lower ribbon suspention bar was changed to reflect this.
For the award of the Victoria Cross
[ London Gazette, 30 October 1918 ], Etaing, France, 2nd September 1918, Corporal Walter Simpson, 6th Bn, Lincolnshire Regiment.
[ London Gazette, 31 March 1919 ], Etaing, France, 2nd September 1918, Corporal Arthur Walter Evans, 6th Bn, Lincolnshire Regiment.
When on the west bank of a river an enemy machine-gun post was sighted on the east bank. The river being too deep to ford, Sergeant Simpson volunteered to swim across, and having done so crept up alone in the rear of the machine-gun post. He shot the sentry and also a second enemy who ran out; he then turned out and caused four more enemy to surrender. A crossing over the river was subsequently found, and the officer and one man of his patrol joined him, and reconnaissance was continued along the river bank. After proceeding some distance machine-gun and rifle fire was opened on the patrol and the officer was wounded. In spite of the fact that no cover was available, Sergeant Simpson succeeded in covering the withdrawal of the wounded officer under most dangerous and difficult conditions and under heavy fire. The success of the patrol, which cleared up a machine-gun post on the flank of the attacking troops of a neighbouring division and obtained an identification, was greatly due to the very gallant conduct of Sergeant Simpson
Walter Simpson ( Arthur Evans ) was invested with his Victoria Cross by King George V at Vincent Barracks, Valenciennes, France, on the 6th December 1918.
For the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal ( DCM )
[ London Gazette, 19 March 1918 ], Near Cambrai, France, 6th / 7th October 1918, Sergeant Arthur Walter Evans, 6th Bn, Lincolnshire Regiment
A strong enemy post was encountered. Arthur Evans promptly rushed the post, killing ten, wounding several and taking a prisoner. The prisoner secured afforded most valuable information. Sergeant Evans has shown excellent leadership and the utmost disregard fo all danger.
Arthur Evans died in Sydney, Australia, on the 1st November 1936 and was cremated in the North Stubbs Crematorium. His ashes were later removed and placed in the family grave in Park Cemetery, Lytham-St-Annes, Lancashire.
Iain Stewart, 27 November 2019